The Meaning of Membership
The Oak Ridge Missionary Baptist Church is called to be a caring community of Christians committed to developing a personal relationship with our Lord that inevitably eventuates into a ministry of evangelization, edification.
As members of the Oak Ridge Missionary Baptist Church family, we are called to discover and develop our God-given gifts and become sanctified stewards of our talents, time, money, and minds: and through the power of the Holy Spirit make a difference in our world.
Furthermore, we are called to demonstrate and incarnate God’s love, share the gospel, be a blessing to the hurting and the needy, that God will be glorified in all that we say and do.

Three ways to obtain Oak Ridge membership
1. Receive Jesus Christ
By receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord and to be immersed in baptism.
2. By Letter
By letter, which means to move your membership from another church to this church.
3. By Experience
This means a statement of your Christian experience.
Schedule of Classes
When a New Member joins Oak Ridge, they are first counseled with a counselor. Orientation is given regarding new members classes. A picture is taken of the new member and placed on our New Member’s bulletin board in the vestibule.
After completion of these new member classes, the new member is given the right hand of fellowship, which bestows full rights and privileges and they are ready to enter into ministries of discipleship in the church.